Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Im proud to be uitm student

Well guys this is my second entry i really doest no what to write so basically im doing some reasearch at my friend blog and look around to see what thier update and eventually it will come right in my mind what i want to write so for today is going to be the uitm again..for 5 years i have been in seri iskandar and 2 years in highschool and 3 years in uitm so basically im just like nerd at same place in that place  well known for hot air and some say it was a called a toronto..haha cut the crap so  this is my shout out..i'm going back to my university, UiTM (University that helps malay). I hate UiTM. We are not aloud to shout our voice, what is right and what is wrong. The rules so fucking tight. They treat us like we are high school student. With the rules like all students cannot have long hair, curfew, what should not wear and girl has to wear only long sleeve t-shirt, are so childish. I think we, students have become a man and knows what is right or wrong. Them people just don't have the balls to believe in that. They thought we are going to be some mat rempit or mat pet. We are University student for god's sake and for the record i have 5 fck summon that need to be settle before i grad... All i got to say is UiTM sucks!

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