Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Love sucK

salam smue =) hari ni ak nk cite skit ape yg ak rase tentang cinta..bile kite pikirkan blik perlu ke ada smue to..kite bercinta just nk lepakan gian sayang or contoh ak rase bertuah ada gf or bf yg ensem or cantik tapi hakikatnye smue to xpenting pon..yg penting kite dapat yg paham dan selalu berada disisi kite..tapi just few lately ni ak wat uji kaji kat ex ak haha..dan hasilnye sangat memuaskan..contohnye bile kite nk tahu yg kite xdiperlukan lagi just msg and tanye khabar tapi secara sayang..klo korg paham la..klo cara dia msg dia xmenunjukan kan dia nk kat kite lagi maknanye dia dah xmemerlukan kita so better just buang dia secara terus blok fb dia buang smue barang2 dia.pic dia buang and lastly phone no to buang bukan nye leh pakai lagi wat menyemak je.so dari hati ak je xperlu ada gf lagi bagus kite xsakit and kita xrase pon seperti ditinggalkan..when we have everthing we can do anything..trust me..girl this day we must have car or money without that shit we will never earn them..

so klo ada duet lu leh beli cinta haha

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Zui jia sun you - Eason Chan

                                Do not regret what you have done, regret what you haven't done."

feeling weird  for today and i just found this song when i open my brother laptop it have meaning in that lyric if you understand its ok la..xpaham haha wat 2x paham k..and i just in the mood today to do hear this song, i know i sound weird in the beginning with the lower notes blush.gif i dun really careblush.gif 

next time i put the lyric on i promise k...

Old Friend

They say friend will never go away if they were really good friend so this is my old friend and i meet them in my early life in university and this is the story of 3 young man that eager to find a hot women until now we all still single yucks..but its ok to be single..never get hurt or have to spent money on GF
..thanks you guys for the special moment will share and cherish together
from the left is definitely its me,second is aff wan, fadhil (long long cousin that i found in uitm) i never thought he has connection with me..siyes le haaaha

Believe in your self

"Listen up, ******(person). Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in you who believe in me. Not in me who believe in you. You should believe... you should believe in yourself!"

this scene is actually one of my favorite scene because in this scene Simon was been punched by kamina because he is lack of confident..so what ever that you do please have a confident in yourself its ok to go down once.but hurry to pick up u stance never lose that because it will decide what you plan for the future and when your late and your done for it..


For those that need a wise wisdom learn yourself a dignity and honor don't let u guilty or afraid judge you 

Wisdom, said William James, is learning what to overlook.
Foreigners daringly defy the world and win every time,
Ignoring their fears and their pride,
Hoping to do the right thing.
They move from cheer to joy, and from joy to tears.
They have nothing else to do but live
with loud voice their hopes and dreams.
It’s hard to be a foreigner
It’s hard to be free!
Freedom? A great responsibility
imposing unconditional respect for others,
guarantying human rights to murderers and terrorists,
even their sweet survival.
To be a foreigner is to be human wise,
To know what you can or cannot do.
There is too much loneliness in being free.
Solitary shortcuts painted with rainbow colors,
Familiar faces worn by total strangers,
Crowded cities filled with grim solitude.
No well thought slogans can ever take it away.
No slavery is ever more cruel than liberty.
No burden heavier than freedom…
It’s hard to be a foreigner.
It’s hard to be free. 

BY:Masa MbathaOpasha

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today Activity

Penat betul2 pagi2 dah bangun selalunye ak akan bangun tepat kol 12 tapi memandangkan hari ini ak kena
 teman ayah anta kete tok service it ok..blik still leh tdo tapi just xbest sbb mimpi pagi tady smue dah hilang..petang skit kena pg kl tok menlawat certain place to work nnti arap2 dapat la xde la dok umah je..hari2 tv and tv luckily ada rancangan besh so xde la bosan =) so satu hari ni ada la activity yg bermakna..early on my post i already says that to make my blog interesting i have to update everday so this is the first step to success =)

I remembered an old German proverb;

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”

so bermakna pagi tu makan banyak sbb kite perlu ada tenaga to kerja tengah or petang to makan skit sbb pagi kite dah makan byk so tok elakkan pembaziran bak kata ak la..so mlm kite makan skit je...sbb owg kata mkan mlm ni xberape elok so to maintance our beauty to perempuan mkn la seperti owg yg xde duet..skit2 sudala...


im very sorry because all the trouble that i cause you im very sorry...im a man full of shame and that suit me..your deserve better person than me

Look Out
Look Out
Look Out

Where It's At
I Know Karmas Comin To Pay Me Back (Pay Me Back)
I Hurt The Sweetest Thang That's On The Map
I Broke Her Heart In 30 Seconds Flat
In 30 Seconds Flat

Now How Did I (How Did I)
Just How Did I Become That Kind Of Guy (Kind Of Guy)
To Look At Girl And Lie Right In The Eye (Right In The Eye)
My Momma Told Me Willy That Ain't Right
Boy Now That Ain't Right

I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Ya
B B B B Break It Baby
Look Baby
I'm A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heartbreaker
Cheryl Cole:
Your A Heartbreaker
Your A Heartbreaker
Your A Heart
A H H H H I'm A Heart
A H H H I'm a

Where She Go (Where She Go)
I Got Some Things I Gotta Let Her Know (Let Her Know)
To Fix The Love Now It's Impossible (It's Impossible)
But Baby Baby If We Take It Slow
If We Take It Slow
We Can Make It Work (Make It Work)
We Just Can't Throw The Love Down In The Dirt (Down In The Dirt)
You Probly Thinkin I'm A F***ing Jerk
Cause The Way I Let You Down It Made You Hurt
I Didn't Mean To Make You Hurt

Will.I.Am and Cheryl Cole:
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I Didn't Mean To Break Your Heart
I'm S S S Sorry
I'm S S S Sorry
I Didn't Mean To Break Ya
B B B B Break It Baby
Look Baby
I'm A Heartbreaker
Your A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heartbreaker
Your A Heartbreaker
I'm A Heartbreaker
Your A Heartbreaker
Your A Heart
A H H H H I'm A Heart
A H H H I'm a

Will.I.Am: Break It Down
Cheryl Cole: Let's Break It Down [x8]

Cheryl Cole: Your A Heart Breaker [x4]
Will.I.Am: I'm A Heartbreaker [x2]
I'm A Heart
H H H H Heart
H H H H Heart